The #1 thing you should look for in a chiropractor is someone who talks about your nervous system. If you go to your chiropractor just for pain relief, it’s like robbing a bank and only stealing the pens. Pain is the last sign of dysfunction so there is a lot more happening within your body before you physically feel it.
A side effect of removing interference to your body’s nervous system — which allows your body to heal itself — is that your pain goes away. Chiropractic is not about back pain or neck pain because it’s so much more than pain relief, but we’re also really good at getting you out of pain in a model that isn’t symptoms and Band-aids.
Chiropractic care is the foundation for true healing because it unleashes your body’s innate ability to heal itself.
Other therapies such as acupuncture, massage, nutrition, etc. are incredibly healing and I love referring to other practitioners in the area who offer those services that work synergistically with chiropractic care because we begin to see not just an increase in that person’s ability to adapt to their environment, but also how their environment evolves and better supports their overall lifestyle.
Here are my top resources for finding a nervous system centered chiropractor in your area:
When using these databases, you’ll still need to do your homework by digging through their website, giving them a call, or even scheduling a visit to make sure they are vitalistic and will assess your nervous system. It’s also important to make sure your personalities mesh and you can trust them!
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I’m Dr. Courtney Kahla. I’m here to empower you to take control of your own health & wellness.
I love to share what I’m learning about holistic wellness. Let these articles serve as a springboard for your own research!